
Parenting in the Modern World


Are you a parent in Central Ohio? This workshop is for you! Modern parenting has its modern challenges. It can feel isolating and confusing parenting in a world that looks vastly different that when we grew up. Kids today are exposed to excess screen time, AI, environmental toxins, anxiety ... etc, etc. This outstanding panel of local […]

Self-Regulation Tools & Strategies for Kids and Families

Vibe Venue 10 Dilmont Rd, Columbus, OH, United States

Are you a parent in Central Ohio? This workshop is for you! Many children today are having difficulty with self-regulation. They have big reactions, have ADHD, are filled with anxiety and/or can demonstrate sensory overload or differences. You don’t have to feel alone in parenting a child with self-regulation issues. We have complied a team of local experts to […]

Parenting a Child with Anxiety


This workshop will outline anxiety in children and provide ideas that can sometimes be helpful.