Welcome Liesl Coaching to Conscious Community Collective!

Liesl Coaching joins Conscious Community Collective in the Business Consultants category. Liesl is a burnout coach, and offers her 1:1 private coaching sessions virtually.


Liesl’s CCC Profile: https://consciouscommunitycollectives.com/members/liesllieslcoaching-com/

From Liesl: “We all started businesses because we’re passionate about the work we do.

However, that makes us more likely to overwork, over-give and fall into burnout.

I’ve been there. I’ve burned myself out in every job I’ve ever had – including my business.

I’m here to teach you how to deal with the burnout and the habits that are keeping you exhausted, overwhelmed and over-tapped. Because that’s all that’s happening – your brain’s habits are creating burnout. We combat that by focusing on easy, simple and sustainable change. Soon you’ll be having fun all the time in your business again. I teach you how to work with your brain instead of against it. I help you do more in less time so you still have energy for your business and the other things you care about.

Because you deserve to continue to grow your amazing business and have a fruitful life outside of work. Your business flourishes when you’re flourishing. And we need you and your business in this world.

Join me for your free consult here and we’ll get started. We’ll talk about exactly where you are, where you want to be, what’s holding you back and how I can help. Then we’ll work together 1:1 over the phone for the next 6 months so you can heal the burnout and feel energized again.”