How to track and learn from your marketing data.

9 metrics. 3 platforms. 1 strategy.

How to track and learn from your marketing data.

By Dana Casto, Owner & Strategist
Whispr Strategic Marketing

As business leaders, it’s tempting to check out when it comes to analytics.

It’s not that we don’t care; we just don’t know what to do with the raw data. But having that data at your fingertips is a powerful tool when you know how to use it.

This week, I encourage you to avoid the urge to push aside reports or gloss over analytics.

Data isn’t just “0s and 1s.”

When viewed through the right lens, your data is a story begging to be told.

Because a team, customers, and volunteers will only care when they understand why the data matters.

Here are three metrics to think about for your website, social media, and email marketing:

Website Metrics

  • Time on Page – Measures the average time a viewer spends on a page. Indication of interest in the content of the page.
  • Sessions – A grouping of unique site visitor interactions with a website within a period of time. Indication of how engaged or interested a unique site visitor is with a website.
  • Form Completion Rate – Measures the number of people who completed a form. Indication of the effectiveness of the call-to-action on the page.

Social Media Metrics

  • Reach – Total unique viewers of a post could have (your followers plus the followers of accounts that share). Indication of the total number of people who have seen the content.
  • Engagements – How much your audience interacts with your account (reactions, comments, shares) and how often. Indication of how effective social posts are at soliciting interaction and the overall “health” of your audience. “Health” is how responsive the audience is and how many real followers you have.
  • Unique Link Clicks – Measures the number of unique people who clicked on a unique link. Indication of the effectiveness of the call-to-action on the page.

Email Metrics

  • Unique Open Rate – Measures the number of unique people who opened an email. Indication of the overall effectiveness of the subject line and relevancy.
  • Click to Open Rate – Measures the number of unique people who opened and clicked through any link. Indication of the effectiveness of the subject line as it relates to the content of the email.
  • Unique Click-Through Rate – Measures the number of unique people who clicked on a unique link. Indication of the effectiveness of the call-to-action in the email.

If that feels like a lot to track, that’s okay! Start small.

Here’s how to start without getting overwhelmed:

  1. Decide on a few simple metrics to track, review, and then optimize.
  2. Consider a tool like DataBox. Databox pulls metrics from multiple sources (like social media, email marketing platforms, and your website) into one sleek dashboard customized to the metrics you decide to focus on.
  3. Read DataStory by Nancy Duarte. Duarte’s book will help you turn data into a narrative to drive action.

Getting a handle on these 9 metrics across these three channels will help you make minor adjustments in your marketing that will have a major impact.

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