Are you Ready to Hire a Marketing Company?

Your company is growing and needs to leverage its presence in the industry. Maybe your company has been around for a long time or maybe it’s in the beginning stages. Whatever phase your business is in now, you realize getting your brand noticed is essential to your company growth. Maybe your company has gotten busy enough that you need some help taking it to the next level. If this sounds familiar It could be time to hire a marketing company to support your strategic objectives and bring your company to the next level.

If you’re thinking of hiring a marketing company, the questions you ask when interviewing them are critical and telling. At Burgie MediaFusion, it’s important to us to have a good working relationship with all of our clients. Our job is to help you expand your business and be part of your team. Knowing some questions to ask will help everyone involved know if it’s going to be a good fit.

We’ve created a list of questions you should ask any marketing company to determine if they are the firm that will work for you. We have the expertise to help you with your marketing needs.

The questions we’ve compiled have all come from potential clients and run the gamut of thoughts. We feel any question you have is a question we want to answer for you. So just like a first date, let’s get started asking and answering questions.

Questions to ask When you want to Hire a Marketing Company

  • Where should I invest time and money?
  • How do you communicate with your clients?
  • How much experience do you have?
  • What recent successes have you had?
  • What is your expertise?
  • How will you help my company?
  • What is your company culture? Will it match up to my company’s culture?
  • What do you know about my industry?
  • How can you help me track results of my campaigns?
  • How do you collect, interpret, and leverage the data?
  • How often do I have to post on social media?
  • Why do I need to spend money on social media?
  • Can you build a website for my company?
  • Do I need a website?
  • Why does having a website matter for my business?
  • Why is blogging important?
  • What is the most popular social media platform and which ones should I be using?
  • Is it okay NOT to do social media?
  • How do I define my target audience and how do I reach them?
  • What does your billing structure look like?
  • What are the first steps?
  • What do you look for in a successful client relationship?
  • Are you going to reassess-or reinvent-my plan for my marketing goals?
  • As the client, what is expected of me?

Before you hire a marketing company, you should know why you want to hire one.

  • What do you want to accomplish? Create a clear vision of your needs and wants so you can discuss them with your potential agencies.
  • Do your research and learn about the potential firms. What services do they provide? Who do they work with currently and who have they worked with in the past?
  • Understand the contract and the scope of the work that will be offered.

Choosing a marketing firm that works with you can create a great partnership. Our goal, when working with our clients, is to be just that—partners. We accomplish that through:

  • Trust
  • Listening
  • Communication
  • Regularly reviewing strategies and goals
  • Kindness and positivity

If you are ready to talk with a marketing company, we would love to be on your short list of possible agencies to talk to. Give us a call at 614-273-0783 to start the conversation. Don’t worry, we have our own set of questions to ask you!

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