Dana Casto with Whispr Strategic Marketing: Your Perfect Audience in 3 Steps.

Your Perfect Audience in 3 Steps 

To move forward, you need to look backward.

By Dana Casto, Owner & Strategist
Whispr Strategic Marketing

Ever wondered how to isolate who is your perfect customer, client, or even donor?

A quick Google search will highlight the need for personas, ICPs (ideal customer profiles), and more—all of which are helpful but can feel very complex.

To start, I recommend taking these 3 simple steps to confirm who your perfect audience is.

  1. Review your existing audience
    Look through your contracts, database, or donor list to determine who is in your existing business network.
  2. Determine who you loved working with and who wasn’t a great fit.
    Separate your list into two columns—one where it worked beautifully and another where you’d likely decline to engage again. This isn’t about good or bad people, but about the right fit.
  3. Highlight the trends
    Take a look at the list of clients and customers you love. What do they have in common? What are your favorite things about them? And, what stands out for the ones you didn’t love?

For me, this looks like partnering with clients who…

  • Trust me in offering strategic guidance
  • Understand the value of my services
  • Are collaborative in their approach
  • Take ownership of the process and outcomes

Ready to try out these 3 steps? I created this free tool you can use to get started and customize on your own.

The goal is to clarify who your audience is so you also have a clear picture of how to build your marketing efforts around what they care about.

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Reach Dana via https://www.whispr.us/.

See Dana’s Profile.