Jackie Burtch with Burtch Designs: What it’s like to work with me.

Let’s take a deep dive into what it’s like to work with me through my branding package, known as the Silver Birch.

When you first reach out, you’ll set a time for our discovery call – a chance to compare notes on what you have in mind and how I can help. After you sign off on our proposal, we’ll meet for a strategy session so that we’re on the same page. Everything we focus on will tie back to your mission, values, audience, and more.

One question I ask that really gets the ideas flowing is “Who would your celebrity spokesperson be for your brand?” I learned this from a fabulous marketing friend – Stacy, owner of Pencil Point Marketing. One client had told me about how her home was filled with neutral colors, but her answer to this question was Kristen Chenoweth. This told me the brand needed to be bright, bold, and energetic! With that, we were off!

From there, we’ll review your strategy doc and I’ll create a moodboard to help set the tone visually. Once that’s approved, we’ll reach my personal favorite milestone: my chance to get extra creative and work on your logo. It’s such an important part! We’ll refine it together before I create the full visual experience. No matter your package, we’ll wrap up with me emailing you all the necessary files for your strategy-driven brand guide, logo, and other graphics.

At that point, you’ll have in your inbox and in your mind all of the critical thinking, audience decision-making, voice and tone, brand vision and an entire suite of visuals. How good will that feel?

Let me tell you: the only thing that’ll feel better is when you first put them out to the world. Oh, and I’m here if you ever need anything beyond that first big push.

Ready to schedule that discovery call? Don’t hesitate!