Navigating Screen Time: A Family Guide

By: Shaun Ditty, LPC with Central Ohio Pediatric Behavioral Health

Navigating Screen Time: A Family Guide

          In today’s digital world, screens are everywhere. While they open doors to learning and connection, finding the right balance of screen time can be a challenge for families. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and insights from “Screenwise” by Devorah Heitner offer valuable guidance for navigating this landscape with a focus on quality and engagement over strict screen time limits.

          The AAP suggests keeping screen time engaging and educational, especially for the little ones. Here’s a quick rundown:

Under 18 months– Stick to video chatting and use it sparingly
18 to 24 months– If introducing digital media, go for high-quality content and enjoy it together.
2 to 5 years– Limit screen time to an hour a day of educational content, and watch it together to help them understand and apply what they’re seeing.
6 years and older– It’s about setting the right limits so that screen time doesn’t interfere with sleep, physical activity, and other healthy behaviors.

Guide Don’t Just Monitor

          Devorah Heitner’s “Screenwise” emphasizes the importance of guiding children in their digital interactions rather than just monitoring them. She encourages parents to focus on the quality of content and the context of screen use, advocating for a mentoring approach to help children navigate the digital world thoughtfully.

Finding the Balance

          To keep screen time in check while ensuring it remains beneficial, consider these strategies:

-Encourage a Variety of Activities-Balance screen time with other activities like outdoor play, reading, and face-to-face interactions.
-Engage with Content Together-Use screen time as an opportunity for shared experiences and discussions.
-Foster Digital Citizenship-Teach your children about the responsibilities and ethics of online interactions.
-Tailor Screen Time-Create a family media plan that considers each child’s age, interests, and developmental needs.

Signs of Too Much Screen Time

          It’s also important to recognize when screen time might be tipping the scales too much:

-Mood Swings
-Sleep Troubles
-Lack of Interest in Other Activities 
-Social Withdrawal
-School Performance Dips
-Physical Discomfort

          If you notice these signs, take steps to adjust screen time habits. Set clear limits, encourage alternative activities, establish screen-free zones, lead by example, and have open conversations about finding the right balance.

Things to Remember

          Screen time doesn’t have to be a point of contention in families. By focusing on quality, setting reasonable limits, and encouraging a variety of activities, parents can help their children navigate the digital world in a healthy, balanced way. Remember, the goal is not to eliminate screens but to integrate them into our lives in a way that adds value and enriches our children’s experiences.