Welcome Central Ohio Pediatric Behavioral Health to Conscious Community Collectives!

Central Ohio Pediatric Behavioral Health and Dr. Parker Huston join Conscious Community Collectives in the Mental Health Category. Dr. Huston has been a practicing pediatric psychologist for 10 years in the Central Ohio area.  He works with children ages 2-18 who have physical and/or behavioral health concerns; mainly in the areas of mental health concerns, feeding disorders, and problems related to chronic medical conditions. 


Clinic Location

924 Eastwind Drive, Westerville, OH 43081



[email protected]

[email protected]

CCC Profile:  https://consciouscommunitycollectives.com/members/plhuston/

From Dr. Huston: “I’ve treated children with a wide variety of concerns, such as anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), tic disorders, behavior problems, ADHD, sleep problems, chronic pain, and functional abdominal pain.

My main focus has been working with children and families experiencing problems with feeding and gastrointestinal conditions as well as other chronic medical conditions. These include Cerebral Palsy, neurological conditions, and complications from premature birth.  I was a proud member of the Comprehensive Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Program at Nationwide Children’s Hospital for 5 years before deciding to open a practice to improve access to care in the Central Ohio area.

I’ve spent the past 8 years learning from a multidisciplinary team of medical providers, dieticians, occupational therapists, speech therapists, nurses, and social workers about the many ways to treat complex conditions in children from birth through adolescence.

My treatment style uses primarily cognitive and behavioral foundations; however, I integrate many other theories into my practice as needed for any individual patient or family.  This means that we will work on identifying the emotions, thoughts and behaviors that are having a negative impact in someone’s life and try to learn new skills in order to improve overall functioning. I use standardized measurements to track progress toward the goals that we establish together, and this data is shared openly as part of the treatment process. Parents and other family members are always actively involved in treatment because they help to support and reinforce the changes we work on in our therapy sessions.”

Empower the individual

We focus on helping people to be agents in their own lives, to take responsibility for their own well-being and those most important to them.

Capitalize on collective knowledge

Simply put, we are better together. Parents and children are a wealth of knowledge about their own experience, hopes, and aspirations.  We all bring something to the table when working as a team.

Collaborative planning

Treatment plans are informed by research, clinical expertise, and a thorough discussion of family and patient goals. Treatment planning is a continuous and ongoing discussion throughout our work together and everyone has a seat at the table.

Believe in the power of resilience

Resilience is our ability to respond to challenges and roadblocks put before us. Human beings have the capacity for resilience by nature. However, there are tools and skills that we can learn and practice to improve our resilience. 

See the whole system

Individuals are part of a complicated system around them. By focusing on the environments which are important to patients, we can make more significant improvements in their lives.

Foster happiness in others

In the end, our goal is to help people find happiness, joy, and satisfaction in life. We want people to live life to their fullest potential and will actively work to that goal.