Welcome Fit Learning Columbus to the Conscious Community Collective!

Fit Learning Columbus is thrilled to join the Conscious Community Collective! Fit offers evidence-based academic instruction both in our Dublin center and virtually.

Director, Kate Wallace, is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst from Columbus, Ohio. She is passionate about combining behavioral science and learning. Kate strives to live out the Fit Learning mission “to transform the learning abilities of all children who walk through our doors such that they achieve greatness in their communities and beyond.”

Fit Learning Columbus


[email protected]

CCC Profile: https://consciouscommunitycollectives.com/members/katewallace2021/

Does your child need an academic boost?

Fit Learning combines the SCIENCE of learning with the ART of teaching. We believe in developing fluent learners!

Beginning with a comprehensive assessment, Fit identifies a learner’s specific gaps. We then develop a customized curriculum to meet their needs. With ongoing progress monitoring and high-quality instruction, our learners make significant gains in both academic skills and confidence!

What you can expect at Fit:

  • 1:1, evidence-based instruction
  • Highly-trained, engaging learning coaches
  • Supports customized to your learner’s specific needs
  • Data-based decision making
  • FUN
  • No homework, EVER!
  • Results! – our learners make an average of 1 academic year’s gain in 40 hours of instruction

Fit Learning Columbus currently offers the following subject areas:

  • Reading
  • Math
  • Logic (Comprehension + Executive Functioning)
  • ‘lil Fits (designed for learners ages 3-7)
  • Fit Homeschool

We support ALL types of learners!

** Fit Learning is offering 50% off an initial assessment all Conscious Community Collectives members. Email: [email protected] for more information.