Welcome Peak Financial Wellness to Conscious Community Collective!

Peak Financial Wellness joins Conscious Community Collective in the Financial Support Category of Conscious Community Collective of Central Ohio.


Did you start your business because you wanted to help people and make a difference in the world? I can relate! I started this business because I want to help entrepreneurs grow profitable businesses that make a difference and bring creative, professional, and personal freedom.

After spending the first couple of years of my career in traditional public accounting doing auditing and tax work, I spent over a decade in corporate. I kept coming back to the same issue. I was unfulfilled and feeling like I wasn’t really helping people with money in the way that I had intended to when I became a CPA. I decided to change all of that and Peak Financial Wellness came to be. 

I knew I didn’t want to do traditional historical bookkeeping and just throw clients a report at the end of the month. I wanted to use what I’ve learned along the way to actually help people. While knowing your numbers and having accurate bookkeeping is important (and we’ll take care of it for you), knowing what to do with those numbers is even more integral in growing your business. We’ll give you the guidance you need to scale and grow your business profitably. 

Afterall, greater profits equal greater impact.

Schedule a free consultation to see how we can help.