Welcome The Modern Maid to Conscious Community Collectives!

Amanda Owens is excited to join the Conscious Community Collective’s 
collection of consciously-chosen local support services for families! 

Amanda is the owner of The Modern Maid that services residential and 
small offices in Delaware County, OH. There are several reasons to hire 
a professional cleaning service — and she understands them all! Amanda 
is a mother and wife and believes that family time is the most important 
time.  Running her business and keeping up with her family are her 
priorities. Delegating certain tasks (like cleaning) means being able to 
focus on priorities, ease tensions and enjoy life.

Choosing The Modern Maid cleaning service means never worrying about a 
dirty home or office again! Leave it to the pros, and relieve the stress 
of finding time to clean your home or office. Enjoy a clean space and 
revel in the free time when The Modern Maid professional cleaners are on 
the job. Services are arranged on your schedule: annual or semi-annual 
top-to-bottom cleans and weekly, biweekly or monthly maintenance cleans. 
The Modern Maid maintains excellent reviews on Google, Yelp and all the 
major social media platforms.



[email protected]

CCC PROFILE: https://consciouscommunitycollectives.com/members/themodernmaid/

Amanda started The Modern Maid in 2003 out of the trunk of her car. 
Beginning in 2010, The Modern Maid has operated out of  the current 
office space at 165 E Winter Street in historic Delaware Ohio. Amanda’s 
passion for cleaning came from her parents and grandparents. Old 
fashioned values are what The Modern Maid was built. She mixes her 
passion for green cleaning with old fashion tips she was taught growing 

Amanda’s family history is a big part of the story for The Modern Maid. 
She has seen first-hand how cancer does not single out just one victim, 
but affects the entire family. In memory of her parents, The Modern Maid 
is proud to be 1 of 1,200 cleaning companies in North America partnering 
with ‘Cleaning for a Reason.’ Through this partnership her staff can 
offer two FREE home cleanings to patients in active cancer treatment in 
Delaware County. Visit cleaningforareason.org and click on the patients 
tab to get started – and please feel free to spread the word!

Most people don’t realize the harmful effects of the brands of cleaning 
products they grew up with, or use on a regular basis, around their home 
or office. Amanda and her staff are very conscious of the products they 
use, and choose green cleaning methods whenever possible. It’s an effort 
to keep the staff healthy, preserve the health of the clients and also 
to protect the environment. Sometimes that calls for extra elbow grease 
– but it is something everyone can agree is the best choice! This 
decision goes hand-in-hand with cleaning for cancer patient families. 
Removing carcinogenic and toxic cleaning products from the mix is utmost 
importance for them  – and should be for everyone!

The screening, training and employee retention program slated at The 
Modern Maid means Amanda is offering you the very best cleaning 
technicians in the area. Her trustworthy staff are screened and 
qualified for client protection as they enter homes or offices. Their 
commitment to quality cleaning and caring attitudes insures all of her 
clients cleaning services are consistent and hassle-free.